Politics & Government Fairfield Board Of Selectmen Restores $2 Million To Education Budget The board on Monday approved a spending plan of $381,964,286 for the 2025-26 fiscal year. Next, the Board of Finance and RTM will review it.
The Board of Selectmen on Monday approved a budget of $381,964,286 for Fairfield for the 2025-26 fiscal year. The spending plan includes restoration of $2 million to the Board of Education budget. (Alfred Branch/Patch)
FAIRFIELD, CT — The Board of Selectmen on Monday approved a spending plan for Fairfield of $381,964,286 for the 2025-26 fiscal year, sending the budget to the Board of Finance and Representative Town Meeting for review and a vote this spring.
The proposed budget restores $2 million that was cut from the Board of Education’s funding request, but still leaves $1.9 in cuts for to school spending.