Schools School Referendum Added To April Ballot In Northbrook: District 28 A proposed $94.9 million investment in improvements at the four district schools will be decided by voters in the consolidated election.
The consolidated election will be held on April 1. (Patch Graphics)
NORTHBROOK, IL — One year ago, building improvements at the four schools in Northbrook District 28 were proposed as part of a 10-year facilities master plan. Now, voters will decide if the $94.9 million in bonds to fund the plan in April’s Consolidated Election.
The district’s board of education approved placing the referendum on the April 1 ballot during a special meeting Wednesday night. According to district officials, the plan includes: Construction of a new Meadowbrook School (built in 1954)
Additions and renovations at Greenbriar School (built in 1948) and Northbrook Junior High (built in 1959) to facilitate the gradual replacement of these older buildings
Infrastructure upgrades at Westmoor School (built in 1965), including building improvements, playground enhancements, and bus lane improvements
School Referendum Added To April Ballot In Northbrook: District 28